2025 North Texas Missions Golf Tournament -
How You Can Help
Join us in prayer
Prayer is the most powerful aspect of our mission and just as our leadership is committed to continuous prayer, we ask you to join us in praying for the people whose lives we will touch as well as the missionaries themselves.
Join us on the mission
There are many exciting trips that are available for your participation that will appeal to both the beginner and seasoned missionary.
Pray over the different trips and allow God to lead you to the trip that He has planned for you. As you pray, don’t let the trip cost deter you from serving, God always supplies the money that is needed when you are being obedient.
Visit the page Take A Trip HERE
Join in supporting
All of the trips take financial support and each of the missionaries is committed to raising their own travel funds. That being said, there are always situations that come up where a missionary may need assistance to complete their total payment amount. Your tax deductible contribution, will help offset those costs.
Additionally, on every trip, we look for opportunities to help support a local family or organization. In the past we have helped provided supplies to fix the roof of a school, provide school supplies/uniforms, rebuild a kitchen and provide a much needed security wall. Your financial support helps us provide more resources to people that specifically need them.
Please visit the Donation Page HERE.
Our Mission
Learn more about our calling to enable and equip God’s people in both short term and career missionary opportunities.
Current Trips
We have annual trips to established locations and new horizons. Do more see pictures, you can make a difference!
Support Missionaries
We make giving easy. All our missionaries and teams are sent and supported by friends and family like you!
We want to hear from you…
Serving our Lord overseas is a life changing opportunity, and there must be a considerable investment of time and energy. As you dream about your involvement in foreign missions send us any of your questions or ideas and we will get back to you immediately.